One day at the theater I saw a man throw a bouquet of roses across a wide orchestra pit, dropping in on a dime at the feet of the featured ballerina. A gracious act, mixed with athleticism and just a dash of crazy. I came to learn this man's obsessive and expensive hobby was going around the world tossing bouquets to his favorite singers and dancers.

My first thought was "I wish I could read a story about that guy." My next thought was far more dangerous: "I could write that story."

That piece --"The Tosser"-- landed a full page in the Sunday New York Times. You can read it and some of my other work here on this site. I like to write about unusual people doing the things they love to do. I hope you'll find humor, humanity, even poignancy in their stories.

As an editor, I've edited the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, as well as websites and marketing materials for clients ranging from photographers and fashion designers to the biggest law firm in the world.

Whether you're an editor who needs a writer, a writer who needs an editor, or simply a reader with a question or comment, I hope you'll get in touch.